Significant Financial Compensation May Be Available For Farm And Agricultural Workers Exposed and Diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. Check if you qualify now!
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Many studies link Paraquat exposure to Parkinson’s Disease and other neurodegenerative disorders.
Because Paraquat manufacturers refuse to be upfront about the risks of Parkinson’s Disease on their labels, licensed agricultural users and commercial farm workers at a greater risk for illness.
Paraquat is banned in over 30 countries, including the European Union. It is only in the U.S. that it is still legally circulating and widely used.
If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease or any illness due to Paraquat exposure, you may be entitled financial compensation for your medical needs and suffering. An experienced lawyer in paraquat settlement can help you recover lost wages, cover medical bills, and claim the maximum compensation and justice you deserve.
Paraquat dichloride (also referred to as Gramoxone) is a highly toxic herbicide intended to kill weeds. It is allowed for commercial use in the United States but is actually a banned substance in 32 countries, including the European Union.
In fact, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Paraquat is the most widely used weed destroyer in the country, with farmers and those living near industrial farms having the highest exposure to it. Aside from controlling weeds, it is also used as a desiccant for crops, such as cotton, before they are harvested. Around 11 million lbs of Paraquat are reportedly sprayed on farmlands every year.
Despite many reports of poisoning and disease from exposure to Paraquat, the United States has not banned the substance yet. Instead, what the EPA did in July 2021 was to issue a set of guidelines to reduce associated risks on human health and the environment. Such guidelines state that no household products should contain paraquat for use in residential areas and that registered paraquat products can only be used by trained and licensed applicators.
There are many reasons why you should file a Paraquat lawsuit, especially if you have been exposed to it accidentally or through your work.
Filing a Paraquat lawsuit can help you get the full medical treatment you need to get your life back on track, secure the maximum compensation you deserve from lost wages and other expenses, hold those responsible for your exposure accountable for their negligence, and spread information and awareness about the dangers of Paraquat.
There are several studies that prove the link between Paraquat exposure and Parkinson’s disease. One study by the Unified Parkinson’s Advocacy Council in 2017 even found that those who are exposed to the chemical frequently can increase one’s risk for developing Parkinson’s later on by 600 percent.
According to the CDC, the long-term effects of Paraquat exposure can include permanent damage to vital organ systems, leaving persons slowly deteriorating. Even if a person survives an acute poisoning event, the long-term effect on the lungs, especially lung scarring, will still happen.
Other long-term effects can also happen, including heart failure, strictures in the esophagus (scarring in the swallowing tube), and kidney failure. In cases of large amounts ingested over time, patients are not likely to live long.
Get medical treatment and call a Paraquat lawyer immediately once you suspect that you have been exposed to this deadly chemical. If you have worked in a commercial or industrial farm that uses Paraquat pesticides or have lived near a facility or agricultural land and then you start showing symptoms of poisoning (see the checklist below), you might have been exposed.
This is where an expert Paraquat attorney with a strong medical team backing them up can help. Farahi Law Firm has the legal and medical knowledge and resources to prove your claim and seek maximum compensation on your behalf.
The exact amount from your Paraquat settlement will depend on your specific case and the extent of the damage or injury. However, it could run up to hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars. With that said, talk to a Paraquat lawyer right away if you have developed an illness or are suffering due to exposure to this toxic chemical.
Yes, it is, but with certain restrictions to its use. Although the EPA does acknowledge that it is highly toxic, the government does not ban it totally. The EPA website even cautions that the chemical is so dangerous that one sip can lead to death. There is also no known antidote to Paraquat poisoning.
Current government-issued warnings about Paraquat are all placing the burden of protection on the population’s shoulders: where humans are advised to be careful about using this toxic substance instead of totally prohibiting its use.
Because of its commercial indication, it is the people who work in these settings who are the most at-risk for Paraquat poisoning or developing debilitating diseases from prolonged exposure. Particularly exposed are those who mix, load, and apply paraquat, as well as those who live in or near areas where this chemical is being applied.
Persons who are most at-risk for Paraquat poisoning are:
Skin contact
When Paraquat gets in contact with the skin, especially in people who handle the chemical often. The effects from exposure become worse if you have an open wound or rash.
Inhaling Paraquat can immediately lead to organ damage, especially the lungs. It can happen when you accidentally inhale the aerosolized chemical while handling it or smoke plants that have been tainted with it, including marijuana.
This toxic chemical can easily contaminate food and drinks, and the consequence of ingesting it can be fatal. The U.S. might not have completely banned Paraquat, but what it did instead was to apply a strong blue dye and smell to deter ingestion, as well as add vomiting agents in case it gets swallowed.
Paraquat poisoning effects can include:
In the case of the long-term effects of Paraquat exposure, the symptoms of poisoning can be in the form of the following:
Suspected Paraquat exposure requires immediate medical attention.
But before that, if you suspect that you may have been exposed to the chemical on your body or clothes, remove your clothing right away and wash your entire body with soap and water. If you are helping other people remove their clothes, avoid touching any contaminated areas. If the clothes need to be pulled over the head to remove, it’s best to just cut them off. Afterwards, be sure to place your contaminated clothes in a sealed bag and let the emergency personnel or local/state health department know where your clothes are. The authorities will then arrange for their proper disposal.
If the Paraquat was ingested or inhaled, get to the closest emergency room or call 911 right away.
Emergency treatment for Paraquat exposure involves decontamination (removing all articles of clothing) and preventing further absorption of the harmful chemicals by ingested Fuller’s earth or activated charcoal. If it has been more than an hour since the chemical was ingested, nasogastric suctioning might be ordered at the hospital.
Other supportive care methods include medications to control blood pressure and regulate breathing and intravenous fluids. In worse cases, a ventilator could be needed to support breathing and, possibly, dialysis for kidney failure.
Giving high amounts of oxygen is discouraged as it can worsen the toxicity. As mentioned, there is no antidote or cure for paraquat poisoning.
When you have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease due to exposure to Paraquat, you might not know that you can assert your right to get medical treatment and claim monetary compensation. It is essential that you file a Paraquat lawsuit immediately.
Farahi Law Firm can help you through the entire process, so you only need to think about recovering and getting better. Having an experienced Paraquat lawyer and Paraquat specialists by your side will strengthen your position throughout the Paraquat settlement or litigation process. Our team of Paraquat attorneys and doctors will work hard to boost your claim and fight back against the defendants who will surely try to deny or downplay your illness.
If you have developed Parkinson’s disease because of exposure to Paraquat, find out what legal options you have by getting a free case consultation from our Paraquat experts at Farahi Law Firm today. We will represent anybody who has been harmed by this toxic herbicide. It is our goal to get you the highest compensation possible for your suffering.
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